The Japanese trial pilot organized by Kwansei Gakuin University's Intelligent Blockchain+ Innovation Research Center (KGU/IBIRC) was held at Hyogo...
The FASTER UAV relay: extending communications capabilities in the field of operations
During a rescue mission, it is paramount to ensure the quality of the communications in the field allowing all operators and devices to exchange...
FASTER tools in action: ResCuE (RESilient CommUnication Equipment)
No phone? No power? No network? FASTER to the ResCuE Is there really a tool able to ensure that critical information can reach citizens and First...
FASTER tools in action: 3D mapping
The risks that emergency teams are exposed to when they arrive at a disaster scene can be considerable. They have the challenging but essential task...
FASTER in action: autonomous vehicles
Two mobile robots have been developed by Robotnik for the FASTER project. They are performing tasks as teleoperated navigation through a dangerous...
In the scope of project FASTER, the two Portuguese partners of the project (Municipality of Grândola and INOV – Investigation, Technology and...
FASTER tools in action: Gesture Control
Drones can be invaluable tools during disaster response operations, as they can both expand the situational awareness of the response team by...
FASTER tools in action: 2D mapping
A safe, efficient and effective response to disaster begins with mission planning. The response operation commanders must consider entry and exit...
The FASTER Local Weather Station: monitoring weather conditions with real-time support to decision-making in rescue missions
One of the tools developed within the FASTER project is the Local Weather Station (LWS) to help first responders in the field adjust their missions...
FASTER tools in action – Testing K9 wearables and Smart Textiles Framework indoor and outdoor
First Responders (FRs) rely on specially trained animals (e.g., K9 dogs) as the first line of handling various emergency situations. A novel...
The FASTER Chatbot: an agile tool to improve the emergency management and the effectiveness of monitoring, rescue and first recovery operations
One of the main tools developed by the project, with the aim of supporting the action of European First Responders is the Chatbot. This tool...
FASTER tools in action: Building Sensors Data Visualization and Scene Analysis of Building Sensor data
The tool is internally referred to as BUST – Building Situation tool. The KAMK tools is comprised of two parts, data collection from various sensors...
FASTER tools in action – Testing MORSE (Movement Recognition for firSt rEsponders) indoor and outdoor
In the course of a mission, FRs may find themselves unable to communicate visually or verbally, due to excessive noise, smoke, obstacles or injury....
FINNISH PILOT Debriefing Workshop
The Finnish pilot debriefing was held on April the 19th involving representatives of first responders who participated the pilot event. It was very...
SPANISH PILOT Debriefing Workshop
The Spanish post-Pilot debriefing workshop collected several comments and suggestions for further development of FASTER outcomes mainly in the area...