WP11 Dissemination and Exploitation


This WP concerns a wide involvement of first responders, administrations and civil protection entities in Europe as potential end-user of FASTER infrastructure. It will deal with the interactive dissemination of the project results, which is also a strategic task to fine-tune project outcomes. As such, it entails the definition of the Dissemination and Communication plans, the implementation of the communication materials (brochures, logo, visual identity) for the project, the setup of the project web site, the organising and participation in events focused on stakeholders enlargement and a strong action of liaison with other on-going project and existing networks operating in the same area. Proper dissemination level measures will be taken during project course. Another key objective of this WP is to capitalise the innovation achieved, plan and develop actions for future sustainability and further exploitation in order to facilitate the future adoption of FASTER results by first responders. This work package is fundamental for guaranteeing the success of FASTER, its wide impact and its future sustainability after the project deadline. Relevant stakeholders identified in T11.5 will be actively involved in the WP in order to draft the innovation plan based on users’ feedback, and to foster the adoption of the FASTER approach in disasters response.