Dear stakeholder

First of all we hope you are safe and ready to re-start face to face activities soon.

Our FASTER 833507 project is part of a wider group of projects addressing emergencies and first responders needs.

In the framework of collaboration among projects the ASSISTANCE project team gave us the opportunity to ask you to participate a survey on Risk propensity and resilience in First Responders.

Considering that First Responders’ safety is also one of FASTER project key objectives, hereafter you will find the introduction and the questionnaire we are kindly asking you to fill in.

Thanks for your collaboration.

The FASTER project team




    Risk propensity and resilience in First Responders

    Risk propensity and resilience in First Responders

    About the project: ASSISTANCE is a project funded by the European Commission (GA 832576). The research aims to increase both the protection and the efficiency of First Responders when facing complex emergencies and disasters using novel technologies.

    About this questionnaire: This anonymous questionnaire aims to explore gender in risk propensity and resilience. Only those who work as First Responders can participate in this study.

    About your participation: The researchers involved in the project will pre-process the data anonymously and confidentially:
    1. All the information collected will be de-identified and treated as confidential. Your demographic information will be used only to contextualize the statistical analysis of the aggregate results and not be published or used in any form, rather than the above mention statistical analysis;
    2. All the data will be securely stored and used only for the purpose of the present research, in accordance with ethical requirements;
    3. You can withdraw from the questionnaire at any time, without any obligation to explain the reasons for doing so, until you submit the survey. After you submit the survey, we cannot remove your responses because we will not know which responses came from you.

    The results generated from this exercise may be published in journal articles, conference presentations, via any other mode of scientific exchange, and dissemination that will be seen as appropriate by the researchers. However, participants’ anonymity will always be protected, and all data will be de-identified.

    You will not receive any personal benefit for your participation in this survey. Your participation may help us to learn more about psychological differences/similarities in male and female First Responders, and we hope this knowledge will benefit others in the future. No risk is foreseen.

    Who to contact: For further information about ASSISTANCE project please visit our website at: If you have any questions or concerns at this point or in the future, please feel free to contact:

    Researcher contact data
    Arturo Cuesta
    Universidad de Cantabria
    Ph: +34 942201826 Project coordinator contact data
    Manuel Esteve Domingo
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
    Ph: +34 963879194

    If you agree with the following statement and wish to participate in the study, please check the box “I agree” above and click on the “Continue bottom”.“I am at least 18 years of age, have read and understand the explanation provided to me and voluntarily agree to participate in this study.” Print this "Informed Consent" page for future reference. Thank you for your collaboration! The ASSISTANCE consortium

    Risk Propensity Scale (RPS)

    Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please do not think too long before answering; usually your first inclination is also the best one. 1= Totally disagree; 9= Totally agree

    Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)

    Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by using the following scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree

    Brief Resilience Coping Scale (BRCS)

    Consider how well the following statements describe your behaviour and actions. 1= does not describe me at all, 2= does not describe me, 3= neutral, 4= describes me, 5= describes me very well.