FASTER will include an engagement program for first responders based on the gamification of its novel tools and technologies. The goal will be to enforce a bi-directional communication between the technology developers and the first responders. The first will be able to showcase developments on a more frequent basis via a website, while the latter will be offering their feedback and suggestions in an online manner. This process will be gamified to better foster engagement and involvement. In addition, the first responders will be sharing hands-on multimedia material from their training sessions to better communicate their operating conditions to the technology developers. Additionally, FASTER will engage and work with the end-users to adapt the emergency response guidelines and protocols to incorporate technologies and validated processes that will arise within the project. For this purpose, FASTER will apply a systematic exchange of experiences with first responders supported by the design of a training pathway to introduce processes and technologies deployed in the project. This will be completed by the constant monitoring of the technical developments by the first responder members of the consortium as a specific task . Finally, FASTER will organize frequent field trials aligned with the project’s meetings to offer a more hands-on experience with the different technologies developed, more efficiently preparing the grounds for the pilots. |