INDOOR DISASTER (NATURAL OR MAN-MADE DISASTER)In Kajaani, a fire has been set off by a man-made explosive ordnance.
An explosion in a populated building presents first responders with many hazards ranging from fires and their implications (e.g. heat or smoke), dangerous debris, hazardous materials, to the possibility of secondary attacks. Escalation factors may include: Secondary explosion, Hostages, Shooting, Toxic chemical release, Mobile phone jamming
Event: The local alarm centre gets an emergency alarm from a building in the town of Kajaani, where a fire has been set off by a man-made explosive ordnance.
The first responder unit responding to the alarm opens up their device with the FASTER Portable Control Centre and more specifically the indoor 3D environment tool.
While driving to the site, the Chief of Unit forms his plan of actions using the P-COP to assess the current situation
Lehtikangas School, Kajaani (FI)
Kainuu Rescue department