Faster project’s latest news

2nd Italian Pilot

2nd Italian Pilot

The second Italian Pilot took place on Tuesday 25 January in the operational scenario of the Avigliana (Turin) area, already affected by flood events in the recent past. The exercise was organized...

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French on-field exercise

French on-field exercise

On 8th and 9th November 2021, in the framework of the FASTER project, the partners met in Aix-en-Provence, France, at the ENSOSP (French National Fire Officers Academy) for a large-scale real-life...

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PSCE 2021 Conference

PSCE 2021 Conference

The community of public safety and civil protection gathered on December 1st at the Public Safety Communications Europe Conference in Brussels. PSCE is an independent forum...

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The Japanese trial pilot organized by Kwansei Gakuin University's Intelligent Blockchain+ Innovation Research Center (KGU/IBIRC) was held at Hyogo Prefectural Disaster Management and Training Center...

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FASTER tools in action: 3D mapping

FASTER tools in action: 3D mapping

The risks that emergency teams are exposed to when they arrive at a disaster scene can be considerable. They have the challenging but essential task of entering unknown environments like collapsed,...

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FASTER in action: autonomous vehicles

FASTER in action: autonomous vehicles

Two mobile robots have been developed by Robotnik for the FASTER project. They are performing tasks as teleoperated navigation through a dangerous environment, streaming RGB and thermal video to...

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