Dear potential stakeholder
The exploitation team of H2020 FASTER 833507 project would like to invite you to join our community being part of the project stakeholder group.
In order to better understand your potential role in the community we ask you to complete the following questionnaire.
In order to facilitate that hereafter a brief project description is provided.
The term first responders usually refers to law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical personnel. These responders, however, are not the only assets that may be required in the aftermath of a strike on the homeland. In contrast, the more appropriate term, emergency responders, comprises all personnel within a community that might be needed in the event of a natural or technological (man-made) disaster or terrorist incident.
These responders might include hazardous materials response teams, urban search and rescue assets, community emergency response teams, antiterrorism units, special weapons and tactics teams, bomb squads, emergency management officials, municipal agencies, and private organizations responsible for transportation, communications, medical services, public health, disaster assistance, public works, and construction. In addition, professional responders and volunteers, private non-profit, non-governmental groups (NGOs), such as the Red Cross, can also play an important role in emergency response. As a result, the tasks that a national emergency response system would be required to perform are more complex than simply aiding victims at the scene of a disaster, carried out by several kinds of professional users with different roles and expertise. Moreover, emergency preparedness and response lifecycle is a complex process that consists of the preparation, response, and recovery from a disaster, including planning, logistical support, maintenance and diagnostics, training, and management as well as supporting the actual activities at a disaster site and post recovery after the incident.
Main Goal: FASTER aims to address the challenges associated with the protection of first responders in hazardous environments, while at the same time enhancing their capabilities in terms of situational awareness and communication. FASTER will provide innovative, accepted and efficient tools covering:
- Data collection providing a secure IoT platform for distributed, real-time gathering and processing of heterogeneous physiological and critical environmental data from smart textiles, wearables, sensors and Social Media,
- Operational capabilities providing flexible, multi-functional autonomous vehicles, including swarms of them, for extended inspection capabilities and physical mitigation,
- Risk assessment providing tools for individual health assessment and disaster scene analysis for early warning and risk mitigation,
- Improved ergonomics providing augmented reality tools for enhanced information streaming, as well as body and gesture-based interfaces for vehicle navigation and communication,
- Resilient communication at the field level providing haptic communication capabilities, emergency communication devices, communication with K9s; and at the infrastructure level through 5G technologies and UAVs,
- Tactical situational awareness providing innovative visualisation services for a portable Common Operational Picture for both indoor and outdoor scenarios representation.
- Efficient Cooperation and Interoperability amongst first responders, LEA, community members and other resource providers to request and deliver assistance where and when it is most needed using blockchain technology to give everyone involved the ability to write and read data (in-cluding sensor data) on an open source platform to speed up disaster relief to a whole new level
Specific Objectives are:
- SO1: Transforming First Responders’ needs into validated solutions, acceptable from the society/citizens
- SO2: Early identification of operational risks enhancing first responder’s safety
- SO3: First Responders’ engagement, training and experimenting pathway
- SO4: Enhanced situational awareness for first responders through augmented reality technologies
- SO5: Highly ergonomic tools for first responders’ operations
- SO6: Robust and resilient emergency communication and cooperation infrastructure
- SO7: Employing autonomous vehicles, as units or in swarms, for risk identification and physical mitigation
- SO8: Portable Common Operational Picture for maximizing situational awareness